
Calypso Hunt & Draw:
Partly oceanic M-Class Planet viewed against the background of nebula space.

Arkadia Hunt & Draw:
Mostly temperate continental M-Class Planet viewed against the background of nebula space.

Rocktropia Hunt & Draw:
Mostly arid continental M-Class Planet viewed against the background of nebula space.

violet main sequence star set inside golden-green laurels
The People's Front; now in Star Citizen
Hypercharged logo against night lightning.

People's Front of Entropia Universe

PFEU Hunt Info & Registration Page

Formerly the PFC, the PFEU has hosted free hunting events for more than two years and has infrastructure and personnel in place on three worlds: Arkadia, Calypso and ROCKtropia. Unfortunately, we have lost contact with our backer and, consequently, all events are currently suspended pending re-establishement of financial backing. Our system is capable of delivering three weekly hunting events which are free of charge and three monthly free all-terrain vehicle races.

These events are designed for all player levels, and newcomers are especially encouraged to join. No experience is necessary. All weapons and ammo are provided free of charge, and you get to keep all the loot. Earn skills, gain a bit of loot, make some friends, and above all - have fun!


There are a lot of practical factors which limit team size and, generally, more people want to come on PFEU hunts than there are places on the team. Consequently, it is necessary to register for a random draw for one of the 6 places on a team. To register, just type your full avatar name into chat once registration is open in the following chatroom:

Please note that the above chatroom is the venue for all PFEU event registration irrespective of event type or planet where the event takes place. For more details concerning registration please see PFEU Calypso Draw, PFEU Arkadia Draw or PFEU Rocktropia Draw.

PFEU Timetable
Monday, ISO: 2025-February-17, 23:31 hours, UTC.
Day Time (UTC) Planet Activity Registration
Friday 23:00 hours (11 pm) Arkadia Free Hunt 22:00-22:25 hours (10:00-10:25 pm)
Saturday Suspended Calypso Free Hunt Suspended
Sunday Suspended Rocktropia Free Hunt Suspended

The current in-game day, date and time is: Monday, ISO: 2025-February-17, 23:31 hours, UTC.

To ensure that the PFEU event you are registering for is scheduled to take place on the planet where you are currently located, please consult the timetable above. All of the hunts are conducted weekly and, as far as possible, they are kept to a constant schedule as shown above.

The times may vary to accommodate different countries, so keep an eye open for announcements being made or else check this page for particulars. The times listed correspond to Entropia Universe server time so, if in doubt, just hit the 'U' key and check the time in the System tab of your in-game Chat window.

In-game contact

Your hunting leaders and sweat event facilitators are Mercurio Thomaso Morat (Calypso/Rocktropia) and Simone Wauspaus Kelleners (Arkadia).